about spice2x
spice2x is a continuation of SpiceTools project.
spice2x binaries are meant to be drop-in replacements for existing installs (spice.exe, spice64.exe, spicecfg.exe). For a list of features, check out this page.
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beta downloads
Note that while beta releases are mostly stable, there may be some glaring bugs. If you experience any issues, please use the most recent stable release. Additionally, some of the new features and option flags may change. It is recommended that you back up the config file (%appdata%\spicetools.xml). These builds will be promoted to stable once they have been thoroughly tested.
- Add Mahjong Fight Girl support
- Add option for custom full screen resolution (-forceres)
- Auto PIN entry
- Multiple scenes in image resize
- API updates
- Fix DLL hooks not receiving command-line arguments
- Please see the full changelog for details.
- Fix clipboard copy function truncating last character of string
latest stable downloads
- iidx: fix crash caused by Windows 11 update (KB5052093/KB5053598)
- Add -vsyncbuffer option for forcing double/triple buffering
- Add -windowscale option for resizing DX9 backbuffer dimensions
- Expanded main menu in overlay (default bind: esc key)
- Nostalgia: touch and swipe gestures (-nostpoke)
- Jubeat: detect root directory boot failure
- Add "Any Direction" analog type for button binding
- More MIDI improvements
- Windowed mode for CCJ, QKS
- Please see the full changelog for details.
- Better MIDI support; significant improvements for drum support
- Nostalgia: fix velocity handling for MIDI input
- UI fixes: bugs in Buttons / Analog tabs, Exit dialog (press Escape in game)
- Please see the full changelog for details.
past versions
For older versions, please see Releases page.documentation
- FAQ / Known issues
- PC optimization guide
- Audio modes demystified (ASIO, WASAPI, DirectSound...)
- Patches / hex edits
- Info for Asus Xonar AE owners
suggested addons
Check out these cool tools that can be used with spice:- SpiceCompanion Android, iOS (app currently not listed in App Store), Windows - control spice from your phone / tablet / another PC
- ifs_layeredfs - for game asset modding
- spicehue - control Philips Hue lights over spice API
- slidershim - use your phone / tablet as keyboard input
spice2x team does not provide any tools to circumvent software copy protection, nor distribute any copyright-protected game data.
We are not associated with the original SpiceTools developers. SpiceCompanion apps are also separate projects owned by the app developers. Efforts will be made to keep up to date with upstream changes.
If you want to run spice2x on a real arcade cabinet, do note that the developers take no responsibility for any damage done to your hardware, nor provide any support.